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Tanzania Trees You May Frequently See While on Safari

Tanzania Trees You May Frequently See While on Safari

While on safari in Tanzania, you will not only see animals but also trees, which will take you to the African Savannah where you will have the opportunity to explore various types of habitats. Where wildlife feeds on trees and grasses; there is no closed canopy in the forest since different types of trees in Tanzania are scattered all over. Here are some of those remarkable common trees in Tanzania you will encounter.

Giant BaoBab Tree (Adansonia digitate)

While on your safari in Tanzania, you may come across the majestic baobab tree. These giant trees are a symbol of the dry savannahs in sub-Saharan Africa. They are impressive in size and provide resources for both humans and animals. In fact, there are over 9 different species of baobab trees worldwide, with the Tanzanian species being the largest.

Baobabs are often referred to as “upside-down” trees because their branches resemble roots. You are likely to spot these magnificent trees in hot and dry woodland areas during your safari. They are found in various areas throughout Tanzania, so your chances of encountering one are high.

The African baobab (Adansonia digitate) is a keystone species, providing food and shelter for many mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. The shade from the trees helps to keep the soil moist and they contribute to nutrient recycling while also protecting against soil erosion. The leaves and fruits of the baobab tree are highly nutritious for humans, and all parts of the tree have medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties.

Acacia: the most common tree in Tanzania

During your safari in Tanzania, you will come across the acacia tree, which is the most common tree in the country. These trees grow all over Africa and are known for being the primary source of food for giraffes. In Tanzania, they are abundant and serve not only as a food source for animals but also provide stability to the land, making them a vital part of the ecosystem.

You can find acacia trees all over the savanna, and they are characterized by dense bushland that is 3 to 5 meters tall, with scattered emergent trees up to 9 meters tall. The Acacia Commiphora ecoregion, which includes most of the northern circuit National Parks (Serengeti, Mkomazi, Tarangire, and Lake Manyara) and the central part, is where you can find these trees. The woodland is made up of dominant tree and shrub plant species, such as Acacia tortilis, Acacia millifera, Commiphora africana, Commiphora abyssinica, Commiphora schimperi, Commiphora edulis, Commiphora campestris, Balanites aegyptiaca, Acalypha sp., Aerva sp, Combretum sp. and Terminalia sp.

Tanzania is bordered by several countries, including Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zaire, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and the Indian Ocean on the east. It is the largest of the East African nations and has a geography that is as spectacular as it is mythic.

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